Tyres & Wheel Alignment

Tyres & Wheel Alignment

A1 Motor Group can help keep you driving safe and legal on the road.

It may be advisable to fit a new tyre as opposed to repairing the current one. For example; if the tread depth is illegal (less than 1.6mm across the central 75% of the tyre), if there is evidence of deterioration or damage (like exposed cords or bead damage) or if a poor quality repair has been carried out on the tyre previously. Tyres will always be thoroughly checked before a repair is carried out.

Common Tyre Questions

How long does it take to change a tyre?

There is no set time on how long it takes to fit a tyre. Generally, it should take around thirty minutes per tyre – keep this in mind when booking your vehicle in for a tyre fitting, especially if you need four tyres fitted.

Do you need an alignment after replacing tyres?

A wheel alignment is not necessary when you have new tyres installed, but if you do not get an alignment, you may experience uneven tyre wear earlier than normal, which can then shorten the lifespan of your tyres.

How often should tyres be aligned?

A1 Motor Group recommend doing the wheel alignment every two years. Often, the wheel alignment is recommended when new tyres are installed. The alignment should be done more often if your car has wider tyres or if it is a sports car.

Is it okay to have different brands of tyres on car?

A1 Motor Group recommend that the same tyres are fitted on all wheel positions of your vehicle. If however, due to availability or economic considerations, mixing is necessary then it is permissible to mix brands and tread patterns as long as the same tread patterns and brands are fitted across the same axle.

Why do my tyres wear more in the middle or edges?

If the tread is wearing on the edge of your tyre, this may mean that the tyre is under inflated. If your tyre is wearing more in the middle, it may mean that your tyre is over inflated. This may result in reduced tyre life and can add to the risk of a tyre blowout.

The best option is to always have a professional check your tyres. If in any doubt at all, give us a call at A1 Motor Group so we can give you professional advice on what to do. It is never worth the risk to take any chance with your tyres!

Covid19 Advice – Tyre Maintenance

Here is some simple advice if you are not using your car during lockdown.

You will need to inflate your tyres to the maximum recommended pressure found on their sidewall, as they will lose pressure over time, even if they are not being used in motion.

If left for a long period of time this can lead to flat spots and your tyres losing their round shape, especially on older tyres.

If you think you may be leaving your car idle for a number of months, rolling it (very carefully) every so often can ensure the tyres won’t get worn unevenly.


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